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The Bond That Links Your True Family

18 Nov

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each others life. – Richard David Bach

2013-11-18 quote - richard-bach-novelist-quote-the-bond-that-links-your-true-family-is

This family friendly blog is provided by  We specialize in high quality, affordable Baptismal gowns, rompers & suits, First Communion dresses, girls headpieces and boy’s suits.  In addition, we have a full line of Confirmation robes for churches to choose from with sizes to fit any size Confirmation candidate.


The rules for parents…

4 Nov

The rules for parents are but three… love, limit, and let them be. – Elaine M. Ward


Kids are like a…

21 Oct

Kids are like a mirror, what they see and hear they do. Be a good reflection for them. – Kevin Heath


” Where parents…

16 Jul

” Where parents do too much for their children, the children will not do much for themselves.”

Elbert Hubbard offers a full range of Baptismal and First Communion apparel and accessories for boys and girls.